Mobil Glygoyle™ 460 and Mobil Engineering Services help elevator manufacturer increase gearbox reliability and saves US$ 75,000 annually
Operating temperatures
as low as 45°C

A gear module manufacturer uses its units in passenger elevators. The gearboxes were lubricated with an ISO VG 320 mineral gear oil. The gearboxes were experiencing a high level of micropitting from inadequate lubrication. Additionally, the manufacturer received complaints of noisy operation. Micropitting and customer noise complaints were causing the need to replace the gearboxes. The manufacturer identified gear replacement as a large issue.
The ExxonMobil Lube Engineer analyzed the situation and recommended Mobil Glygoyle™ 460 gear oil for the gearboxes. Mobil Engineering Services were also provided to help improve the productivity of the factory.
After monitoring the performance of Mobil Glygoyle™ 460 gear oil for 60 days, the ExxonMobil customer acknowledged significant improvements in the performance and condition of the gearboxes. Since then, the ExxonMobil customer has deployed Mobil Glygoyle™ 460 gear oil in all of their gearboxes and achieved an annual savings of approximately US $75,000.
In summary, the benefits resulted from:
- Reduced micropitting and scratching even after 70,000 rotations (768 hours)
- Reduction in operating temperature from 84°C to 45°C
- Noise reduction in the operation of the elevators
*This success story is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.