Mobil workers looking at a turbine


Your gas turbines need to perform at their optimum every day and we understand the demands this places on your operation. Our experienced team can connect you with the lubrication solutions and services that can help to increase equipment uptime and performance.

Lubricants for Turbines

  • Mobil SHC™ 800 Ultra Series

    Mobil SHC™ 800 Ultra Series

    Synthetic turbine oil offering exceptional protection against thermal/oxidative degradation and outstanding keep clean performance.

  • Mobil DTE™ 932 GT

    Mobil DTE™ 932 GT

    High performance turbine oil with excellent antiwear protection and demulsibility properties for long equipment life.

  • Mobil DTE™ 800 Series

    Mobil DTE™ 800 Series

    High performance turbine oil with excellent antiwear protection and demulsibility properties for long equipment life.

  • Mobil DTE™ 732 M2

    Mobil DTE™ 732 M2

    High performance turbine oil designed for use in MHI non-geared gas turbines, meets MHI`s requirements for long oil and filter life.

  • Mobil SHC™ 800 Series

    Mobil SHC™ 800 Series

    Synthetic turbine oil series recommended for the lubrication of land-based gas turbines providing outstanding low temperature fluidity.

  • Mobil DTE™ Oil Named Series

    Mobil DTE™ Oil Named Series

    Rust and oxidation inhibiting circulating lubricants offering high resistance to emulsification.

  • Mobil DTE™ 700 Series

    Mobil DTE™ 700 Series

    Zinc-free turbine lubricant family recognized with enhanced air release properties to help ensure a high level of system reliability.

  • Mobil Teresstic™ T 32-100

    Mobil Teresstic™ T 32-100

    High quality turbine and circulation system oils designed to offer reliable and efficient operation.

Technical and useful resources

Find technical solutions, service expertise and quick tips for all your turbine power plant and turbine related applications.
Engineer checking a turbine

Mobil SHC™ 846 Ultra gives more than 23,000 hours of service | Mobil™

Find out how Cartiere del Polesine paper mills used Mobil SHC™ 846 to extend the oil drain interval by more than 3 times compared to the previous oil used on their Solar Taurus T 60 turbine.

Gas turbine in a factory

Redefining turbine oil standards

VGBE-S-053 certified oils enable two to five additional years of operation per oil fill.

Turbine oil testing compatibility

Proper turbine oil test methods

The reliability and profitability of your power generation operation depends on choosing the right turbine oil. Learn how to go beyond basic laboratory tests.

*Actual benefits can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used. Extended life and energy efficiency is based on normal use of the product, as described in the technical instructions from ExxonMobil.