Success stories and industry insights

Volkswagen AG enhance energy efficiency on plastic injection molding machines
Volkswagen AG maintenance personnel reported enhanced hydraulic system efficiency, generating a 3.7% energy savings on average, or approximately US $2,600 annually per machine with Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46
Explore related products and applications for your machining and assembly line

Zinc-free, HVLP anti-wear hydraulic oils designed for the modern hydraulic systems. Energy efficiency potential, long ODI, clean valves.

HLP hydraulic oils for extended oil drain intervals & cut hydraulic oil costs. Reduced waste oil disposal improves environmental footprint.
Slideway oils

Mobil Vactra™ Oil Numbered Series
The Mobil Vactra™ Oil Series are premium quality lubricants designed for machine tool slideway applications.

Synthetic gear and bearing lubricant. Designed for use in hot and cold conditions. High shear stability. Energy saving potential.
Metalworking fluids

Mobilmet™ 760 Series are extra high performance neat cutting oils. They are chlorine-free and are intended for severe cutting operations especially on difficult to machine steels.

Mobilmet 440 Series fluids are high performance, multi-service, non-corrosive straight cutting fluids. They are designed for moderate to heavy duty cutting operations.

Antiwear and extreme pressure greases. Designed for applications where reduced friction, low wear and long service life are required.

Extended service lithium complex greases intended for a wide variety of applications and severe operating conditions.

Services that advance your business
Our experienced team are here to support you with your equipment servicing, every step of the way.