Mobil worker looking at a compressor gauge


Protect against maintenance issues and keep production costs down with our lubrication solutions for air compressors, hyper compressors and ethylene compressors. Take advantage of our expertise and help your business run more efficiently*.

Lubricants for air compressors

Explore below for specific product details and recommendations for your air compressors.
  • Mobil SHC™ Rarus Series

    Mobil SHC™ Rarus Series

    Supreme performance synthetic air compressor lubricants suited for severe duty rotary screw and vane air compressors. ODI-up to 24 000 hours

  • Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series

    Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series

    Diester synthetic oil based for severe duty reciprocating/piston air compressors offering very low level of deposit formation.

  • Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series

    Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series

    Offering anti-wear and corrosion protection: synthetic superior air compressor lubricant with exceptional water separating characteristics.

  • Mobil Rarus™ 400 Series

    Mobil Rarus™ 400 Series

    Ashless air compressor lubricants for equipment that operate under mild conditions, suitable for compressors employing gears and bearings.

Lubricants for hyper compressors/ethylene compressors

Explore below for specific product details and recommendations for your Hyper compressors/ethylene compressors.
  • Mobil Rarus™ PE KPL 220

    Mobil Rarus™ PE KPL 220

    Superior compressor oil tailored for the highest pressures found in ethylene compressors for LDPE production, may be used up to 3800 bas.

  • Mobil Rarus™ PE R-A, R-B, R-C and R-D 220

    Mobil Rarus™ PE R-A, R-B, R-C and R-D 220

    Viscous, colorless oils of ISO viscosity grade 220, specifically designed for the lubrication of very high pressure ethylene compressors.

Technical and useful resources

Find technical solutions, service expertise and quick tips for all your air compressors.
Air compressor

Oil-flooded rotary screw air compressor basics

Keeping oil-flooded rotary screw air compressors in top working condition is essential to supplying plant air.

Mobil SHC™ Rarus 46 compressor oil

Flushing oil-flooded rotary screw air compressors

Flushing oil-flooded rotary screw air compressors before switching lubricants is critical in preventing incompatibility issues.

*Actual benefits can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used. Extended life and energy efficiency is based on normal use of the product, as described in the technical instructions from ExxonMobil.