Hydraulic inspection

hydraulic system close-up

This service details your critical hydraulic equipment, revealing opportunities to improve performance.


Our engineers inspect, report and document the condition of your critical plant hydraulic systems. They use inspection data to establish the optimum time to replace critical hydraulic components such as pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters and lubricants — and then recommend maintenance practices to help improve system reliability.


We work with you to:

  • Understand current plant lubrication practices, equipment life and improvement opportunities
  • Develop a schedule of periodic hydraulic system inspections
  • Inspect components and breather condition
  • Record reservoir oil temperatures and obtain system oil samples
  • Evaluate system fluid cleanliness levels
  • Compare results to identify changes and trends
  • Target a set Hydraulic Fluid Index, HFI

Deliverable: An Engineering Service Report outlines the condition of the hydraulic systems inspected, recommended actions to improve performance/reliability and estimated value of the service rendered.

Common opportunity areas

  • Contaminated lubricant
  • Hydraulic system temperature too high or low
  • Aeration of oil (foaming)
  • Shock loading in system
  • Hydraulic pressures too high
  • Restriction in pump suction
  • Inadequate filtration or maintenance practices
  • Hose condition (where applicable)
  • Leakage rates too high; low oil levels

Safety, health and environment

Our field engineers are attuned to the hazards of handling, storing and using petroleum products. They strictly observe safety and environmental rules, as well as ExxonMobil and customer safety practices. They coordinate efforts through designated plant personnel verifying electrical and mechanical lockout and proper tagging prior to working on equipment, and providing recommendations to help reduce hazards.

infographic of hydraulic inspection