Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 synthetic grease can reduce bearing costs to deliver potential annual savings up to US$55,000
Achieved bearing life up to
1,000 hours

The customer has been using a competitor’s mineral grease before changing to Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 synthetic grease. With the competitor grease the bearing life was in the region of 500 hours. This is shorter than the 1,000 hours of operation allowed before the matrix has to be disassembled.
The ExxonMobil field engineer recommended Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 synthetic grease, as it provides excellent load carrying capability, and excellent water resistance and corrosion protection. Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 is also an NSF H1-registered grease.
Changing to Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 synthetic grease improved bearing life to at least 1,000 hours, so the bearings can be changed during the disassembly of the complete unit, reducing maintenance work and production downtime.
*This proof of performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.